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Result Finder Guide

  • Step 1: Choose JLCT Grade of Capability Test.
  • Step 2: Enter your Admit number for JLCT students to find your result details.
  • Step 3: Enter your Date of Birth.
  • Step 4: Click on "Find Result" Button.
  • Step 5: Save/print the require document.

Result Finder

(Date Format:dd/mm/yyyy)

Approved test by Immigration of Japan

Result Sheet

Test center: Nepal

This Mark(s) Secured by, Name (氏名)  Date of Birth (生年月日)  Examinee No. (受験番号)  JCT Grade (受験級)  in the Japanese Language Capability Test 

Attendance (出席)
Comprehensive Point (総合点)
Pass Line (合格ライン)
Obtained Marks (得点)
Status (状態)

Note (ノート):
  This is only for the information of result. This is not a certificate to official uses.

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